Freya (Czech Republic)

About Freya

Freya – Institute for Sexuality and Relationships

A non-profit organisation focusing on sexuality and relationships

About us:

Freya is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the systemic integration of work on sexuality within social, health and educational institutions. We specialise in education, professional social counselling, methodological support and various activities related to the sexuality of people with disabilities, older adults and children in care.

Our focus is on training professionals and carers to help them better understand and support their clients’ or loved ones’ relationships and experiences of sexuality.

Freya runs a counselling service that provides expert social counselling to carers and people with disabilities.

What we do:

  • Courses on sexuality and relationships accredited by the Czech Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs,
  • Methodological support for the integration of sexuality and relationship work systems in social, health and educational services,
  • Counselling and advice on sexuality and relationships,
  • Educational groups for caregivers (parents, guardians),
  • Webinars,
  • Specialist training for sexuality and relationships counsellors,
  • Free expert social counselling,
  • Development of educational tools for work on sexuality and relationships.

Our mission:

We aim to increase understanding of the importance of relationships and the experience of sexuality, prevent sexual violence and reduce stigma and prejudice around the sexuality of people with disabilities, older adults and others in vulnerable situations.

We aim to highlight the need for systemic change in the area of relationships and sexuality for people who are dependent on the care of others, particularly in residential social and health care settings, and for people who are unable to meet their sexual needs independently and require assistance.

Facebook: @Freya.vzdelavani
Instagram: freya_vzdelavani
